
Recovery & Wellness Coaching

Coaching requires a committment and therefore I only offer packages rather than individual sessions. I offer both a 3 month and a 6 month program.

The 3 month (12 week) program offers a total of 18 hours of my time. Together we will determine a structure that works for your situation. If you are newly out of treatment you may want to have more support up front with 2 weekly sessions or you may prefer to use some of your time for email support.

The 3 month – 18 hour program is $2000.

The 6 month program (24 weeks) offers weekly coaching sessions and an additional 12 hours of my time. How to use the additional 12 hours will depend on what type of support you want. My experience is that most clients want more support in the beginning stages of recovery but others desire to save the extra hours for times that are stressful and may create triggers.

The 6 month program is $3750.

(Please check back for my post on the difference between Recovery Coaching and Therapy to determine which is the best choice for you, or call for a 20 minute consultation to ask any questions.)

Safe and Sound Protocol

If you are interested in utilizing the SSP only, the cost is $550. This allows you to have access to the 5 hours of the SSP Core and SSP Balance.

This price includes:

  • 3 full hours of therapeutic in office or video assistance,  broken into four 30-45 minutes sessions in the beginning of the treatment. The remainder of the listening will be done on your own with a supportive person.
  • Subscription for 30 days of the SSP Unyte-iLs app, which will allow you to listen at home.
  • You will also have access to Balance during that time.
  • Once the listening is completed, we will also have one session to complete the evaluation and final assessment (as well as a plan for going forward).

(There is the option of just having the SSP be part of our ongoing therapy sessions. If you prefer to do a few minutes (usually 5 to 15 minutes of listening time during in office therapy sessions. This will just be part of our session at no extra fee. This will however increase the length of time needed to complete the 5 hours of listening.)

Counseling Sessions & Fees

Individual Counseling  $125-225 (Depends on session length)

I am only licensed in the state of Nevada, but can do in person or video sessions if you are a Nevada resident. However I can work with you as a Life/Wellness Coach in any area using video or phone.


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