Why Bother – EFT Script For Feeling Like A Failure

Have you moved back into the precontemplation or contemplation stage of change? Over it and resigned to the feeling that things will never change. Here is a tapping script to start to shift things to a place of believing it is worth it to give this recovery thing one more try.

Why Bother?

Have you had so many fresh starts, new beginnings, continued relapses that you have given up? rust me I have been there, and I know it’s cliche but the only way to fail is to quit.

If you haven’t tapped before check out my post on Emotional Freedom Techniques,  go to You Tube and search EFT, or check out The Tapping Solution (https://www.thetappingsolution.com/tapping-101/) to find the points and learn more about it.

The following tapping script is meant to help you just let go of the self loathing that comes along with feeling like a failure.  In order to move forward we need to let go of the past.

The Script

Let’s get started –

Karate Chop Point (KC) : Even though I am so afraid that I will do all this work and realize that I am just a Fu** Up and fail again, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

KC: Even though I am worried that this is futile, I’ll do all this work just to realize that I am still not OK, I accept myself and honor my emotions

KC: Even though I’m afraid that this will just be one more failed attempt, I’ll just crash and burn like all the other times, I’ve tried so many times before there is a part of me that is really thinking why bother? I love and accept myself as much as I can in this moment.

Inner Eye (IE) : All this fear of failure

Outer Eye (OE): I don’t believe I can do this

Under Eye (UE) : I feel like such a failure

Under Nose (UN) : Worried that I’ll crash and burn like all the other times

Chin Point (CP) : I’m not sure it’s even worth trying

Collarbone Point (CB) :All this fear of failure

Under Arm (UA) : I am so afraid I’ll do all this and fail again

Top of Head (TH) : I don’t know if I can take one more failure

(IE) : What if this is just my life

(OE) : What if I never get it right

(UE) : I’m afraid to try again

(UN) : I’m afraid I’ll just fail

(CP) : What if I am just a F** U**

(CB) : I don’t trust myself to be able to do this

(UA) : I’ve tried so many times and I don’t know if I can go through another failure

(TH) : I don’t know if it’s really worth it, I feel like I’m just a loser and I’ll never be Ok

(Do this top set of points a couple of times until the statement I’m just a loser and I’ll never be Ok has no or al least very little sting to it, then go into the next round. If things aren’t moving, focus in on the statement that has the most charge, don’t move on until you can go through the top script and have a SUDs rating at 3 or lower.)

(KC) Even though I still am not sure this time will be any different I am open to the possibility that I can change

(KC) Even though I have failed so many times and I am worried that this time won’t be any different I am open to the possibility that this time things could shift for me

((KC) Even though there is still some remaining fear that I will just fail again, I am open to the possibiilty that I am at a place in my life where I am ready for change and I could be successful

(IE) I am open to the possibility this time will be different

(OE) This time things could really shift for me

(UE) I am open to things being different this time

(UN) I am open to the possibility that it’s true, if I don’t quit I can’t fail

(CP) This time I can stay the course

(CB) This time could be different

(UA) I am open to the possibility that I can do things different this time

(TH) I am open to the possibility of a shift in my beliefs

(IE) This time things could be different

(OE) I am not ready to give up on myself

(UE) I am open to the possibility of change

(UN) I am open to the possibility that I can be successful this time

(CP) I am open to the possibility that I can learn to trust myself again

(CB) I can let go of the past and start to look towards the future

(UA) I am open to the possibility that the past does not dictate the future

(TH) I am open to a shift, to a change in my life

(Go through this set of statements as many times as it takes to feel comfortable with the possiblity that this time will be different.)

One Last Thought

With tapping remember that it is focusing on the feeling that helps things shift. Allow yourself to be present with whatever comes up, as you continue to go through the points the emotion will lessen.

Also even though the words you use are not as important as being focused on the feelings it is helpful to use your own words. If what I have written really resonates with you, great use the script as it is. If you want to add your own statements, thoughts, feelings, even better.



Peace and Joy on your Recovery Path!

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